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Cherokee :: Cherokee Treaties :: Kingsport



Cherokee Treaties :: Cherokee :: Kingsport

  •    Treaty of Hopewell 1785

  •    Treaty of Holston 1791

  •    Treaty with the Cherokee 1806

  •    Cherokee Original Lands

  •    Cherokee Law

  •    Legend of Keetooway

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    These Chiefs served in the Cherokee Nation East. Historically, there were tribal town chiefs, and then Principal Chiefs whose jurisdiction encompassed all tribal towns and districts. The following were considered Principal Chiefs.

    Moytoy, 1730 – 1760
    Atakullakulla, 1760 – 1775
    Oconostota, 1775 – 1780
    Hanging Maw, 1780 – 1792
    Little Turkey, 1792 – 1801
    Black Fox, 1801 – 1811
    Pathkiller, 1811 – 1827
    Charles Renatus Hicks, 1827
    William Hicks, 1827 – 1828
    John Ross 1828 – 1839 (prior to being elected under the 1839 Constitution in Indian Territory)

    Cherokee Chiefs
    As voted by the Cherokee People under the Cherokee Nation constitutions.

    John Ross, 1827 – 1866
    William P. Ross, 1866 – 1867
    Lewis Downing, 1867 – 1872
    William P. Ross, 1872 – 1875
    Charles Thompson, 1875 – 1879
    Dennis Bushyhead, 1879 – 1888
    Joel Bryan Mayes, 1888 – 1891
    Colonel Johnson Harris, 1891 –1895
    Samuel H. Mayes, 1895 – 1899
    T.M. Buffington, 1899 – 1903
    William C. Rogers, 1903 – 1907 (served until 1917 in various capacities)
    W.W. Keeler, 1971-1975 (served since 1949, as named by U.S. Presidents. . . see "Chief for a Day" page)
    Ross Swimmer, 1975-1985
    Wilma Mankiller, 1985-1995
    Joe Byrd, 1995-1999
    Chadwick “Corntassel” Smith, current, elected 1999


    The Legend Of Keetooway

    The Cherokee sometimes refer to themselves as Ani-Kituhwagi, "the people of Kituhwa". Kituhwa was the name of an ancient city, located near present Bryson City, NC which was the nucleus of the Cherokee Nation. The common English phonetic spelling today is "Keetoowah", a name used by traditionalist Cherokee groups like the Keetoowah Society (followers of traditional religion) and the United Keetoowah Band (a Federally recognized faction of predominantly full blood Cherokees).

    The Legend of the Keetoowah, as recalled in 1930 by Levi B. Gritts, a prominent member of the traditionalist Keetoowah Society, places them on islands in the Atlantic Ocean east of South America. Anthropologists have discovered that Cherokee basket and pottery styles resemble those of South American and Caribbean tribes, differing from other tribes of the southeast U.S..

    Seventy tribes attacked them but, by the guidance of God, they were victorious. The last warrior of their attackers, Ner-du-er-gi, was on top of a mountain overlooking their camp in the deep valley below. This warrior saw a smoke arising from the camp which "extended up beyond Heaven". The smoke was divided into three parts and in that there was an eagle holding arrows. When the warrior and his followers saw this, he ordered them not to attack the Indians for they were God's people and powerful and if they attacked they would be destroyed.

    When God created these people he gave them great, mysterious power to be used for the best interests of the people. They lived in large cities with tall buildings. Some wise men began to use their power different than was intended which troubled the people. God instructed them to take their white fire and move away from that place. Some went to Asia, some to India, and others to North America leaving the wise men behind. After they had gone to other countries, these large cities were destroyed when the ground sank and are now under the ocean. God turned to the people that came to America and gave them wisdom and guided them.

    There came a time when the people began to violate their teachings - committing crimes against each other, committing murders, and feuding between the seven clans. The people met with their medicine men around their fire to ask God for guidance. The medicine men were inspired to go up to a high mountain, one at a time on each of seven days.

    On the seventh day, they heard a noise over them and a light brighter than day appeared and a voice said, "I am a messenger from God. God has heard your prayers and He has great passion for your people and from now on you shall be called Keetoowah. Go back to your fire and worship. There is a white ball from way east, who is your enemy, coming and your grandchildren's feet are directed west. They shall have great trials on the edge of the prairie. They shall be divided into different factions and their blood shall be about only on half. Families shall be divided against each other and they shall disregard their chiefs, leaders, medicine men, and captains. But if these younger generation should endeavor to follow your God's instruction there is a chance to turn back east and if not, the next move shall be west, on to the coast and from there on to the boat and this shall be the last."

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    Date and designation of Cherokee Treaties.
    Description of Cession
     1. Treaty of 1721 with South Carolina. Tract in South Carolina between Santee, Saluda, and Edisto Rivers. Red.
     2. Treaty of Nov.24, 1755 with South Carolina. Tract in South Carolina between Wateree and Savannah Rivers. Blue.
     3. Treaty of Oct. 14, 1768, with British Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Tract in Southwestern Virginia. Mauve.
     4. Treaty of Oct. 14, 1770 at Lochabar, S.C. Tract in Virginia, West Virginia, Northeastern Tennessee, and Eastern Kentucky, which is overlapped by No. 7. Red.
     5. Treaty of 1772 with Virginia.(1) Tract in Virginia, West Virginia, and Eastern Kentucky. Yellow.
     6. Treaty of June 1, 1773 with British Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Tract in Georgia, north of Broad River. Mauve.
     7. Treaty of March 17, 1775, with Richard Henderson, et al. Tract in Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee (overlaps No. 4). Blue.
     8. Treaty of May 20, 1777, with South Carolina and Georgia. Tract in Northwestern South Carolina. Red.
     9. Treaty of July 20, 1777, with Virginia and North Carolina. Tract in Western North Carolina and Northeastern Tennessee. Green.
     10. Treaty of May 31, 1783, with Georgia. Tract in Georgia, between Oconee and Tugaloo Rivers. Green.
    1. The Treaty of 1772 appears to be an arrangement  made in 1771 between the Treaty Commisioneers and the Cherokee, but not a bona fide  treaty.

    Federal Period

    Date and designation of Cherokee Treaties.
    Description of Cession
     10a. Treaty of nov.28, 1785, with the United States. Tract in Western North Carolina. Yellow.
     10b. ...do... Tract in Southern and Western Kentucky and Northern Tennessee. Green.
     11. Treaty of July 2, 1791, with United States. Tract in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. Brown.
     12. Treaty of Oct. 2, 1798, with United States. Tract in Tennessee, between Hawkin’s Line, Tennessee River, and Chilhowee Mountain. Red.
     13. ...do... Tract in North Carolina, between Pickens and Meigs line. Red.
     14. ...do... Tract in Tennessee, between Clinch River and Cumberland Mountain. Red.
     15. Treaty of Oct. 24, 1804, with United States. Tract in Georgia, known as Wafford’s Settlement. Red.
     16. Treaty of Oct. 25, 1805, with United States. Tract in Kentucky and Tennessee, west of Tennessee River and Cumberland Mountain. Yellow.
     17. Treaty of Oct, 27, 1805, with United States. Tract in Tennessee of one section at Southwest Point. Green.
     18. ...do... First island in Tennessee River above the mouth of the Clinch River. Mauve.
     19. Treaty of Jan. 7, 1806, with United States. Tract in Tennessee and Alabama, between Tennessee and Duck Rivers. Red.
     20. ...do... Long or Great Island in Holston River. Red.
     21. Treaty of Mar. 22, 1816, with United States. Tract in Northwest corner of South Carolina. Blue.
     22. Treaty of Sept. 14, 1816, with United States. Tract in Alabama and Mississippi. Green.
     23. Treaty of July 8, 1817, with United States. Tract in Northeastern Georgia. Yellow.
     24. ...do... Tract in Southern Tennessee. Green.
     25. ...do... Tract in Northern Alabama, between Cypress and Elk River. Blue.
     26. ...do... Tract in Northern Alabama, above the mouth of Spring Creek on Tennessee River. Blue.
     27. Treaty of Feb. 27, 1819, with United States. Tract in Nothern Alabama and Southern Tennessee. Yellow.
     28. ...do... Tract in Southern Tennessee, on Tennessee River. Red.
     29. ...do... Tract in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. Mauve.
     30. ...do... Jolly’s Island, in Tennessee River. Red.
     31. ...do... Small tract in Tennessee, at and below the mouth of Clinch River. Green.
     32. ...do... Tract of 12 miles square, on Tennessee River, in Alabama. Mauve.
     33. ...do... Tract 1 mile square, in Tennessee, at foot of Cumberland Mountain. Green.
     34. ...do... Tract of 1 mile square, at Cherokee Talootiske’s residence. Green.
     35. ...do... Tract of 3 square miles, opposite mouth of Hiwassee River. Green.
     36. Treaty of Dec. 29, 1835, with United States. Tract in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee, being all the remaining lands east of the Mississippi River. Blue.


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